Creating more memorable and profitable taproom experiences

Secret Blogger

Positive taproom changes start with baby steps

I'm currently reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and his philosophy encourages you to make little, positive changes that ultimately make a big difference. If you're looking to lose weight, you're not going to drop 50 pounds overnight. The final destination of losing 50 pounds is the result of single habits (i.e. going to the gym, eating healthier) that you make consistent parts of your daily routine.

What changes do you want to make in your taproom?

Do you want to see more can and crowler sales? Then challenge your staff to authentically and intentionally ask each guest when appropriate.

Does your team wish they were receiving higher tips? Then encourage them to ask each guest a unique question with the goal of building a deeper relationship.

Do you want to start hosting more events? Then ask your guests what type of events they'd like to see to give yourself inspiration and the motivation to make them happen.

Don't just encourage a beer to go once, or try to build a deeper relationship every now and then, or only ask a couple regulars about the events they'd like to see. Make these behaviors habits and begin the quest for positive change.

Let us help hold you accountable for these habits. Let's chat.